情况: Git 远程服务器 (例如 GitLab 实例) 位于内网, 需要能从外部访问.

Situation: Git remote server (e.g. GitLab instance) is in private network but need to access from outside.

一种解决方案: 用 ssh 打开隧道, 例如

One solution: open tunnel using ssh, like

Host jumper-machine
  # ...
  LocalForward 3002
  LocalForward 3003

在用 ssh jumper-machine 开启隧道后, 即可使用 http://localhost:3002 访问 Git 远程服务器的网页, ssh://git@<user>/<repo> 可作为 Git 仓库的远程地址.

After opening tunnel using ssh jumper-machine, use http://localhost:3002 to visit webpage of Git remote server, use ssh://git@<user>/<repo> as Git remote url.