Strange things happened when debugging the new pipeline structure of simple-radio-telescope-backend: when emulated_fp64
is switched on (that is, the df64
type in “Emulated double precision Double single routine header” by StickGuy, Norbert Juffa, Reimar, et al. is used), under Debug configuration every thing works fine, but Release configuration gives wrong results!
An example is evaluating phase delay of radio wave in plasma caused by electrodynamics, the difference of cos()
and sin()
of such phase evaluated using float64
and df64
is shown below:

Difference of result given by df64
& double
under Debug configuration, tested on NVIDIA RTX A4000

Difference of result given by df64
& double
under Release configuration, tested on NVIDIA RTX A4000
• • • >>
Credit: Chenchen Miao and Cijie Zhang
1. 利用 HPE 的 iLO 功能实现远程操作服务器 / operate the server remotely using HPE’s iLO
- 记下机箱标签上的 iLO 账号与密码 / remember username and password of iLO which is on the label of server

- 第一次启动需要接上屏幕, 在引导阶段会显示 iLO 的 IP 地址 / screen seems required on first boot, IP address of iLO will show when booting
• • • >>
TL;DR: this is a stack overflow caused by large array on stack, so enlarge stack size using ulimit -s <stack size in KB>
An error occurred when processing raw baseband data of a radio telescope using dspsr:
$ dspsr -b 4194304 -D 56.716 -A -L 1.073741824 -c 1.073741824 -O ${file}_128 -e rf -F 128:D ${file}.bin -U 4096
Only single polarization detection available
dspsr: Single archive with multiple sub-integrations
dspsr: dedispersion filter length=131072 (minimum=8192) complex samples
dspsr: 128 channel dedispersing filterbank requires 33554432 samples
dspsr: blocksize=330382096 samples or 4096 MB
dsp::Fold::choose_nbin WARNING Requested nbin=4194304 > sensible nbin=2097152. Where:
sampling period = 0.000256 ms and
requested bin width = 0.000256 ms
dsp::Archiver::finish archive '13835058401541322426_128.rf' with 1 integrations
62305 Segmentation Fault (Core dumped)
• • • >>
Update: seems fixed on Linux kernel 6.0.9 / 6.1, commit 1598bfa “platform/x86: hp_wmi: Fix rfkill causing soft blocked wifi”
TL;DR The temporary fix is either blacklist the kernel module hp_wmi
currently, or comment out codes that provides rfkill function in that module.
Recently Windows auto-updated the BIOS of my laptop HP Elitebook 865 G9 to (U82) 01.02.01 Rev.A,
then in Linux the wifi and bluetooth device keeps on and off, seems 1-2 time(s) per second,
and character ^@
of unknown source keeps being inputed, even in emergency mode
(which make it almost impossible to type in password for root, thus cannot access root shell.)
• • • >>
- 搜索关键词: Blackmoon Nidispla2.exe ssAup.exe BD17FBAC.tmp 23AD3B33.sys
- 该同学自述几周前曾下载盗版翻译软件安装,后因觉不好用卸载
- 经任务管理器进程排查、360 附带的网速管理工具查看,确定 “Nidispla2.exe”, “ssAup.exe” 两未知进程在以较小流量进行网络通讯,结合已有公告确定被感染。
- 利用“打开文件所在位置”功能进入上述两进程所在文件夹 “C:\Users\${USERNAME}\AppData\Local\Temp\BD17FBAC.tmp”(其中 “${USERNAME}” 为用户名),发现两上述进程、一伪装成桌面配置文件的程序配置文件 “desktop.ini” 、程序日志 “~1.log”。
- 利用 Process Explorer 发现 Nidispla2.exe 是 ssAup.exe 子进程,ssAup.exe 为 explorer.exe 的子进程,遂重启 explorer.exe,但发现 ssAup.exe 自行启动,遂开始查找可能自启的位置
• • • >>
(I use \section{}
for title because it corresponds to #
in markdown.)
Markdown metadata:
title: 'The Title'
- 'Author 1'
For some unknown reason, the settings of quotes in jgm/citeproc/locales/zh-CN.xml and (originally) citation-style-language/locales/locales-zh-CN.xml is:
<term name="open-quote">《</term>
<term name="close-quote">》</term>
<term name="open-inner-quote">〈</term>
<term name="close-inner-quote">〉</term>
<term name="page-range-delimiter">–</term>
which will convert “”
into 《》
in titles of the citation, e.g. “软色情”,正在榨干这一代的年轻人
-> 《软色情》,正在榨干这一代的年轻人
Temporary fix: add
in the metadata of markdown files, i.e.
lang: en
mainfont: simsun.ttc
bibliography: [ref.bib]
# Heading 1