目标 Target
当 sudo 检测到异常时, 自动产生记录并提醒管理员; 机器上没有邮件服务器.
When sudo detects abnormal incidents, auto generate record and notify admin; no mail server on machine.
思路 Idea
graph TD
sudo --"postfix"--> mail
mail --if local--> local(( ))
local --> Thunderbird[Thunderbird old version]
local --> dovecot
mail --if remote--> remote(( ))
remote --> rsync[rsync file to local] --> local
步骤 Steps
1. postfix
需要有一个程序来接收 sudo 产生的邮件, 这里选择 postfix.
There should be some program to receive mail generated by sudo, here we choose postfix.
安装 postfix; 由于没有邮件服务器, 在此方案中配置为本地模式; 其它配置保持默认.
Install postfix; as there is no mail server, here configure it as local mode; other settings remain default.
2. sudo
编辑 /etc/sudoers.d/mail-sysadmin
并输入下面的内容, 注意将 admin 替换为你需要的用户.
Edit /etc/sudoers.d/mail-sysadmin
and input the following lines, note: replace admin with user you want.
Defaults mailto="admin@localhost"
用 sudo 触发一些异常事件 (比如不填密码或密码错误) 并查看 /var/mail 来确认配置是否正确.
Trigger some abnormal incident using sudo (e.g. no password given or wrong password) to verify config is correct.
3. Thenderbird + dovecot
若为旧版本 Thunderbird, 应当可通过 movemail 功能直接读取 /var/mail
For old versions of Thunderbird, should read /var/mail
directly using movemail-like funciton.
对新版本 Thunderbird, 需要设置 IMAP 服务器, 这里使用 dovecot.
For new versions of Thunderbird, IMAP server is required, here dovecot is chosen.
安装 dovecot; 为了最小化改动, 用 PAM 鉴权, 即使用机器的账户密码登录 IMAP 服务器; 应当可查看到 /var/mail
Install dovecot; for minimal changes, use PAM auth method, which means use system user name and password to login IMAP server; then should view contents of this user in /var/mail
4. 远程服务器 remote server
定时将远程 /var/mail
下的文件传回本地, 其余操作一致.
Transfer remote file in /var/mail
to local regularly, other steps are same.
例如, 对于需要使用密码保护的密钥访问服务器的情形, 可考虑在本地新建定时任务用来定时下载, 参考命令:
e.g. for server accessible with password-protected ssh keys only, consider create a cron to download, reference command:
chmod 644 /home/user/mail/server && SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/gcr/ssh rsync -axHAXvPz server:/var/mail/admin /home/user/mail/server && chmod -w /home/user/mail/server