
Recently Rusticl has implemented shared virtual memory (SVM), see Karol Herbst’s post & related Phoronix news.

This enables SYCL on Rusticl on e.g. RadeonSI, which may be compared to SYCL on ROCm; before that, let’s take a first-time look.

Although for now Rusticl on RadeonSI has only coarse-grained SVM but AdaptiveCpp requires fine-grained SVM (author thought it isn’t too strict, see AdaptiveCpp#1113), it is possible to emulate USM upon coarse-grained SVM using intel/opencl-intercept-layer.


Firstly, download source code.

git clone -b rusticl/svm/coarse
cd mesa

Build MESA with Rusticl enabled:

meson setup build -Dprefix="/media/build-cache/mesa-install" -Dgallium-rusticl=true -Dllvm=enabled -Dgallium-opencl=icd -Drust_std=2021 -Dgallium-drivers="radeonsi,virgl,svga,swrast,iris,crocus,i915,zink"
ninja install

Note, for now MESA requires LLVM 19, and meson may select corrent Clang but bindgen might not, reported at mesa/mesa#11869.

Then build AdaptiveCpp and its tests, and opencl-intercept-layer.

git clone
cd AdaptiveCpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/AdaptiveCpp -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
make install -j`nproc`
cd ../..

git clone
cd opencl-intercept-layer
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/opencl-intercept-layer -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
make install -j`nproc`
cd ..

mkdir acpp-tests
cmake ../AdaptiveCpp/tests/ -DAdaptiveCpp_DIR=/opt/AdaptiveCpp/lib/cmake/AdaptiveCpp/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
make -j`nproc`


For runtime, set some environment variables to enable Rusticl:

export RUSTICL_ENABLE=radeonsi
# or
export RUSTICL_ENABLE=llvmpipe

Note, enabling devices without SVM (e.g. zink) may let test program fail on SVM allocation.

Next, set device visibility of AdaptiveCpp:


where the number can be inferred by e.g. clinfo (not always precise, though). Some programs may print device name on execution, which can be used to verify if it really runs on Rusticl.

Then enable USM emulation w/o logging:

export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/opencl-intercept-layer/lib/                                      
export CLI_Emulate_cl_intel_unified_shared_memory=1
export CLI_SuppressLogging=1

Then just run the test!


It will print which device is default on middle of execution:

Default-selected queue runs on device: AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, rembrandt, LLVM 19.1.6, DRM 3.59, 6.13.0-rc3-rust)
# or like
Default-selected queue runs on device: llvmpipe (LLVM 19.1.6, 256 bits)

and massive amount of warnings related to SPIR-V:

    In file home/fxzjshm/workspace/mesa/src/compiler/spirv/vtn_cfg.c:119
    Function parameter Decoration not handled: SpvFunctionParameterAttributeNoCapture
    1880 bytes into the SPIR-V binary

Some preliminary results (to be debugged)

TL;DR: as long as not using shared memory & group functions, it should work fine.

Missing feature when calling llvm-spirv

SPV_EXT_shader_atomic_float_add in atomic_tests/fetch_op

RequiresExtension: Feature requires the following SPIR-V extension:
[AdaptiveCpp Error] from /home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/include/hipSYCL/glue/llvm-sscp/jit.hpp:320 @ compile(): jit::compile: Encountered errors:
0: LLVMToSpirv: llvm-spirv invocation failed with exit code 19

unknown location(0): fatal error: in "atomic_tests/fetch_op": hipsycl::sycl::exception: from /home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/include/hipSYCL/glue/llvm-sscp/jit.hpp:320 @ compile(): jit::compile: Encountered errors:
0: LLVMToSpirv: llvm-spirv invocation failed with exit code 19

Manually adding this flag fixes PoCL and Rusticl llvmpipe (for float32); GPU used here is gfx1035 so cannot select

See AdaptiveCpp/AdaptiveCpp#1677

SPV_INTEL_subgroups in group_functions_tests/subgroup_shuffle_like<{char, unsigned int, float, double}>

RequiresExtension: Feature requires the following SPIR-V extension:
[AdaptiveCpp Error] from /home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/include/hipSYCL/glue/llvm-sscp/jit.hpp:320 @ compile(): jit::compile: Encountered errors:
0: LLVMToSpirv: llvm-spirv invocation failed with exit code 19

unknown location(0): fatal error: in "group_functions_tests/subgroup_shuffle_like<char>": signal: integer divide by zero; address of failing instruction: 0x5fa617e2519a
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/group_functions/group_functions_misc.cpp(513): last checkpoint

extension_tests/cg_property_retarget (radeonsi)

/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/extensions.cpp(537): error: in "extension_tests/cg_property_retarget": check ptr[0] == 2 has failed [0 != 2]

extension_tests/prefetch_host (radeonsi)

/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/extensions.cpp(694): error: in "extension_tests/prefetch_host": check shared_mem[i] == i + 1 has failed [0 != 1]
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/extensions.cpp(694): error: in "extension_tests/prefetch_host": check shared_mem[i] == i + 1 has failed [4095 != 4096]

Reason: radeonsi haven’t implemented pipe_context::svm_migrate.


    AdaptiveCpp: usm->enqueue_prefetch
->  clEnqueueMigrateMemINTEL
->  opencl-intercept-layer: clEnqueueMigrateMemINTEL_EMU
->  clEnqueueSVMMigrateMem
->  Rusticl: PipeContext::svm_migrate
->  radeonsi: pipe_context::svm_migrate (not implemented)

extension_tests/buffers_over_usm_pointers (radeonsi)

/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/extensions.cpp(808): error: in "extension_tests/buffers_over_usm_pointers": check alloc1[i] == i has failed
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/extensions.cpp(830): error: in "extension_tests/buffers_over_usm_pointers": check alloc2[i] == i has failed

group_functions_tests/* (radeonsi, llvmpipe)

/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/group_functions/group_functions.hpp(241): error: in "group_functions_tests/group_x_of_local": 60:0 at position 0 instead of 1 for case: everything true all_of
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/group_functions/group_functions.hpp(241): error: in "group_functions_tests/sub_group_x_of_local": 129:0 at position 0 instead of 1 for case: everything true all_of bool sub group
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/group_functions/group_functions.hpp(241): error: in "group_functions_tests/group_x_of_ptr_function": 208:0 at position 0 instead of 1 for case: everything false all_of
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/group_functions/group_functions.hpp(241): error: in "group_functions_tests/group_x_of_function": 288:0 at position 0 instead of 1 for case: everything false all_of
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/group_functions/group_functions.hpp(241): error: in "group_functions_tests/sub_group_x_of_function": 360:0 at position 0 instead of 1 for case: everything false all_of
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/group_functions/group_functions_reduce.cpp(47): error: in "group_functions_tests/group_reduce_mul<char>": 0 at position 0 instead of 2 for group 0 for local_size 25 and case: no init multiplication
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/group_functions/group_functions_reduce.cpp(47): error: in "group_functions_tests/group_reduce_mul<unsigned int>": 0 at position 0 instead of 2 for group 0 for local_size 25 and case: no init multiplication
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/group_functions/group_functions_reduce.cpp(47): error: in "group_functions_tests/group_reduce_mul<float>": 0 at position 0 instead of 2 for group 0 for local_size 25 and case: no init multiplication
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/group_functions/group_functions_reduce.cpp(47): error: in "group_functions_tests/group_reduce_mul<double>": 0 at position 0 instead of 2 for group 0 for local_size 25 and case: no init multiplication
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/group_functions/group_functions_reduce.cpp(47): error: in "group_functions_tests/group_reduce_mul<hipsycl__sycl__vec<int_ 2_ hipsycl__sycl__detail__vec_storage<int_ 2>>>": (0, 0) at position 0 instead of (2, 2) for group 0 for local_size 25 and case: no init multiplication

InvalidBitWidth: Invalid bit width in input: 48

InvalidBitWidth: Invalid bit width in input: 48
[AdaptiveCpp Error] from /home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/include/hipSYCL/glue/llvm-sscp/jit.hpp:320 @ compile(): jit::compile: Encountered errors:
0: LLVMToSpirv: llvm-spirv invocation failed with exit code 10
unknown location(0): fatal error: in "marray_tests/marray_ops<short>": signal: SIGABRT (application abort requested)

reduction_tests/* (radeonsi)

/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/reduction.cpp(44): error: in "reduction_tests/single_kernel_single_scalar_reduction<char>": check expected_result == *output_data has failed [0xffffffc0 != 0]
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/reduction.cpp(44): error: in "reduction_tests/single_kernel_single_scalar_reduction<unsigned int>": check expected_result == *output_data has failed [8128 != 0]
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/reduction.cpp(44): error: in "reduction_tests/single_kernel_single_scalar_reduction<int>": check expected_result == *output_data has failed [8128 != 0]
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/reduction.cpp(44): error: in "reduction_tests/single_kernel_single_scalar_reduction<long long>": check expected_result == *output_data has failed [8128 != 0]
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/reduction.cpp(42): error: in "reduction_tests/single_kernel_single_scalar_reduction<float>": check expected_result == *output_data has failed [8128 != 0]: absolute value exceeds tolerance [|8128| > 0.001]
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/reduction.cpp(42): error: in "reduction_tests/single_kernel_single_scalar_reduction<double>": check expected_result == *output_data has failed [8128 != 0]
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/reduction.cpp(44): error: in "reduction_tests/two_kernels_single_scalar_reduction<unsigned int>": check expected_result == *output_data has failed [134209536 != 0]

usm_tests/allocations_in_kernels (radeonsi)

/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/usm.cpp(224): error: in "usm_tests/allocations_in_kernels": check shared_allocation[i] == i + 3 has failed [0 != 3]
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/usm.cpp(226): error: in "usm_tests/allocations_in_kernels": check mapped_host_allocation[i] == i + 3 has failed [0 != 3]

usm_tests/memcpy (radeonsi)

/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/usm.cpp(282): error: in "usm_tests/memcpy": check shared_mem[i] == initial_data[i] has failed [0 != 1]
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/usm.cpp(312): error: in "usm_tests/memcpy": check host_mem2[i] == initial_data[i] has failed [0 != 1]
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/usm.cpp(347): error: in "usm_tests/memcpy": check shared_mem2[i] == initial_data[i] has failed [0 != 1]

usm_tests/usm_fill (radeonsi)

/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/usm.cpp(369): error: in "usm_tests/usm_fill": check shared_mem[i] == fill_value has failed [0 != 1234567890]

usm_tests/memset (radeonsi, llvmpipe)

[AdaptiveCpp Error] from /home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/src/runtime/ocl/ocl_queue.cpp:331 @ submit_memset(): ocl_queue: enqueuing memset failed (error code = CL:-30)
/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/usm.cpp(389): error: in "usm_tests/memset": check host_mem[i] == 0 has failed [0x8f != 0]

See intel/opencl-intercept-layer#400

usm_tests/prefetch (radeonsi)

/home/fxzjshm/workspace/hipSYCL/tests/sycl/usm.cpp(419): error: in "usm_tests/prefetch": check shared_mem[i] == i + 1 has failed [0 != 1]

Related: intel/opencl-intercept-layer#401