目标 Target
当 sudo 检测到异常时, 自动产生记录并提醒管理员; 机器上没有邮件服务器.
When sudo detects abnormal incidents, auto generate record and notify admin; no mail server on machine.
思路 Idea
graph TD
sudo --"postfix"--> mail
mail --if local--> local(( ))
local --> Thunderbird[Thunderbird old version]
local --> dovecot
mail --if remote--> remote(( ))
remote --> rsync[rsync file to local] --> local
步骤 Steps
1. postfix
需要有一个程序来接收 sudo 产生的邮件, 这里选择 postfix.
There should be some program to receive mail generated by sudo, here we choose postfix.
安装 postfix; 由于没有邮件服务器, 在此方案中配置为本地模式; 其它配置保持默认.
Install postfix; as there is no mail server, here configure it as local mode; other settings remain default.

2. sudo
编辑 /etc/sudoers.d/mail-sysadmin
并输入下面的内容, 注意将 admin 替换为你需要的用户.
Edit /etc/sudoers.d/mail-sysadmin
and input the following lines, note: replace admin with user you want.
• • • >>
When running llama.cpp on RHEL9-like OS, it is noticed that a large portion of time is single-threaded, which is unexpected.
Attaching with GDB shows that it is running sgemm
provided by OpenBLAS; but OpenBLAS should run with multiple threads.
Search engine gives this post: Red Hat Bugzilla – Bug 1589823 - The OpenBLAS package that comes with RHEL does not have multithreading capabilities
Don’t use the sequential library if you want the parallel one. Use -lopenblaso for OpenMP and -lopenblasp for pthreads.
This behavior is different from Debian-like OSs. e.g. in Ubuntu 24.04, the OpenBLAS variant used is mananged by update-alternatives
, and only libopenblas.so
is provided.
Moreover, CMake checks libopenblas.so
only: FindBLAS.cmake @ 321b71c, line 751-805
Not sure whether package policy or FindBLAS should change. An issue is reported: cmake/cmake#26659.
• • • >>
For debugging RFSoC booting from SD card, the FSBL_DEBUG
is helpful (See official doc, search for “debug”).
Some of Q&As e.g. “How to enable FSBL customization in petalinux”, and even official doc “Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Software Developer Guide (UG1137)”, give a method:
mkdir -p <plnx-proj-root>/project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/fsbl vim <plnx-proj-root>/project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/fsbl/fsbl_%.bbappend
File content:
#Enable appropriate FSBL debug flags YAML_COMPILER_FLAGS_append = " -DFSBL_DEBUG"
However this doesn’t work in recent versions of Petalinux, e.g. 2024.1.
It is easily noticed that other .bbappend files uses a different syntax, e.g. recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-xlnx_%.bbappend
has a line like:
SRC_URI:append = " file://platform-top.h file://bsp.cfg"
So the fsbl_%.bbappend
should be
# Enable appropriate FSBL debug flags YAML_COMPILER_FLAGS_append = " -DFSBL_DEBUG "
But this still not working,
• • • >>
Recently Rusticl has implemented shared virtual memory (SVM), see Karol Herbst’s post & related Phoronix news.
This enables SYCL on Rusticl on e.g. RadeonSI, which may be compared to SYCL on ROCm; before that, let’s take a first-time look.
Although for now Rusticl on RadeonSI has only coarse-grained SVM but AdaptiveCpp requires fine-grained SVM (author thought it isn’t too strict, see AdaptiveCpp#1113), it is possible to emulate USM upon coarse-grained SVM using intel/opencl-intercept-layer.
Firstly, download source code.
git clone https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/karolherbst/mesa.git -b rusticl/svm/coarse cd mesa
Build MESA with Rusticl enabled:
meson setup build -Dprefix="/media/build-cache/mesa-install" -Dgallium-rusticl=true -Dllvm=enabled -Dgallium-opencl=icd -Drust_std=2021 -Dgallium-drivers="radeonsi,virgl,svga,swrast,iris,crocus,i915,zink" ninja ninja install
Note, for now MESA requires LLVM 19, and meson may select corrent Clang...
• • • >>
Ref: https://leosaa.medium.com/build-the-latest-kernel-package-for-debian-85b09ec6af88
cp -v /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config
make menuconfig
make olddefconfig
Disable signing keys and debug:
scripts/config --disable SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS
scripts/config --disable SYSTEM_REVOCATION_KEYS
scripts/config --disable DEBUG_INFO
scripts/config --enable DEBUG_INFO_NONE
Note, currently rust support requires MODVERSION to be disabled,
double check if Rust supports is shown in menuconfig.
Check setup of rust by:
make -j`nproc` LOCALVERSION=-rust LLVM=-19 rustavailable
where -19
is version of Clang used.
Then build:
make -j`nproc` LOCALVERSION=-rust LLVM=-19 bindeb-pkg
当导入数据到 CASA (Common Astronomy Software Applications) 时,
若台站不在 CASA 数据库中, 会得到如下报错:
RuntimeError: Exception: Telescope 21CMA is not recognized by CASA.
... thrown by casacore::MPosition casacore::MSMetaData::getObservatoryPosition(casacore::uInt) const at File: /source/casa6/casatools/casacore/ms/MSOper/MSMetaData.cc, line: 3305
从报错位置 MSMetaData.cc#L3305 可以追踪到 MeasTable.cc#L2905, MeasTable.cc#L2863, 得到关键词 “Observatories”,
“measures.observatory.directory”, “geodetic”.
经过一些搜索后注意到该文件是 casacore 下载得到的, 通常位于 ~/.casa/data/geodetic/Observatories
, 并且是类似 measurement set 的结构, 那么可用 Table 相关函数编辑.
注意 CASA 启动会加载该文件, 也就是加上读锁, 然后就无法获得写锁 (会死锁, 表现为程序卡死), 可以复制一份为 Observatories-bak
作为备份, 再复制一份为 Observatories-edit
在 CASA 中使用
编辑加入台站参数即可. 记得退出 CASA 之后把 Observatories-edit
改回 Observatories
需求: 用 ASCII 字符作为用户文件夹的名称, 使得命令行比较方便, 并且其他位置 (比如用户界面) 的语言维持现状.
Motivation: use ASCII characters for user folder names (thus easier when using command line) while keeping other language settings (UI text, etc.)
export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8
After upgrading from 22.04 to 24.04 through do-release-upgrade
GNOME keyring no longer manages ssh
key passwords when using Plasma.
(Still working on GNOME).
After some digging, it is noticed that SSH_ASKPASS
is set to /usr/bin/ksshaskpass
and didn’t find where it is set; however ssh-askpass isn’t working properly.
As said in https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/KDE_Wallet#Using_the_KDE_Wallet_to_store_ssh_key_passphrases,
will use this script in .bash_profile
as a workaround:
# https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/KDE_Wallet#Using_the_KDE_Wallet_to_store_ssh
if [ "$SSH_ASKPASS" == "/usr/bin/ksshaskpass" ]; then
• • • >>
本文假定安装软件到 $PREFIX
, 比如 PREFIX=/opt/$NAME
. 当然也可将不同软件安装到同一目录, 例如 PREFIX=$HOME/pulsar_software
. 以下内容中请把 $PREFIX
This article assumes installing software into $PREFIX
, e.g. PREFIX=/opt/$NAME
. Of course you can install into same directory, e.g. PREFIX=$HOME/pulsar_software
. Please replace $PREFIX
with the value you want in the following content.
本文以类 Debian 环境为例, 使用其他包管理器的用户可自行搜索软件包名. 对于 RHEL, 通常 -dev
-> -devel
This article uses Debian-like environment. Users with other package managers may search for package name by yourself. For RHEL, usually -dev
-> -devel
如有任何问题或评论, 可在 https://github.com/fxzjshm/fxzjshm.github.io/issues 提出.
If you have any question or comment, consider post it at https://github.com/fxzjshm/fxzjshm.github.io/issues.
相关环境变量 | Useful environment variables
构建需要的软件 | Dependencies of building
• • • >>
UCX bechmark
env vars
Refer to their FAQ: https://openucx.readthedocs.io/en/master/faq.html
compile UCX
./contrib/configure-release --prefix=/opt/ucx --enable-mt --with-verbs --enable-devel-headers --enable-examples --enable-cma --with-cuda=/usr/local/cuda --with-rocm=/opt/rocm
host memory: RoCEv2 w1 <-> w2 <-> w3 <-> w4 <-> w5 <-> w1: 10125 MB/s
- move network controller to appropriate PCIe position
- enable RoCEv2 (priority flow control, etc.) on switch
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