- Set up sudo mail warn
- llama.cpp linked to serial OpenBLAS on RHEL
- Enable FSBL_DEBUG in recent versions of Petalinux
- Test AdaptiveCpp on Rusticl
- Build Rust-For-Linux kernel
- 在 CASA 里添加台站 | Add observatory in CASA
- Update XDG user folder names using locale
- Workaround ssh agent not working in Kubuntu 24.04
- 安装脉冲星相关软件 | Pulsar software installation
- Benchmark UCX
- Switch commands
- 为 SNAP 构建树莓派镜像 | Build a Raspberry Pi image for SNAP
- 安装 CASPER 工具链的注意事项 | Notes for setting up CASPER Toolflow
- Workaround Debian package dependency: fix `wine-devel` package rename on Ubuntu 22.04
- Build upstream kernel on RHEL
- Build KDE 6 on Ubuntu 22.04
- Access git remote in private network
- Use DSPSR to process data of more than one day
- 排查 Linux 内核随机卡死问题 / Troubleshoot Linux kernel random freeze bug
- GDB 9 incompatible with Clang 14
- fp_contract causes inaccurate result
- 一些服务器知识 / Some server tricks
- Debug dspsr segmentation fault when nbin is large on certain systems
- Temporary Fix for Networking Problem of HP Elitebook 865 G9 with Updated BIOS on Linux
- eGPU using USB4 on AMD laptop
- What Gitee Pages had done
- Blackmoon 僵尸网络病毒处理的反馈报告
- Properly show title and author in latex generated from markdown using pandoc
- Revert replaced chinese quotes in citations